@KTzone » 日常 - 工作創業 » 急聘PR,日日數千,酒店工作,經驗不拘,客路高尚,簡單易做,即日出糧,無須飲酒

2011-12-20 22:47 leslie963321

急聘快錢PR,日日數千(4-7k around),酒店工作(from cwb to mk),無須經驗(歡迎行外人或其它行業人仕試做),客路高尚<<懂英語或外語更佳<日本語できるもいい>>,有其它專長或技能更佳,經驗不拘,簡單易做,天天出糧,無須飲酒,分賬特高,安全可靠,即時上班,全兼皆可,個人資料保密,彈性上班,時間任擇(可選只做1-2小時或更長時間),年齡不拘(16-49 also ok).歡迎新移民及學生或過場人仕或行外人仕或不同職業人仕或失業人士或在職人仕的妳長職或兼職,妳的真正失業救星,  92554840  李   .歡迎寄給我們妳的詳細資料或詳細履歷表及相片,我們會盡快回覆妳, e-mail to us  :  [email]leslie333333@live.jp[/email]     

(Englishversion: Urgently to seek fast money P.R. several thousand(4-6k around) a day u can earn if yr quality is gd and working in hotel or other places ,if u can speak englishor other languages(日本語できるもいい)are better coz we hv differentnational kind of customers and no experience at all is also ok, this job is easy and comfortable to do if yr qualification is well ,everyday count and give u back yr salary, no need for drinking with customers and safe when u r working, working timing is also so flexible and free by u or yr current working job timing if u hv a full time job outside therefore u can choose part-time or full-time schedule, yr info is also secreted by us, age is also no problem(16-49 also ok),Welcome different background and working experience u to achieve or apply this job even u r an unemployed applicant.Yr great unemployed helper for money.Contact with us a.s.a.p. if u wanna achieve this job  :  92554840 lee or send yr detailed info or applicant info detailedly with photos to our e-mail and we will mail or call u back a.s.a.p. when we receive yr mails and info and photos ,welcome all applicants to send us yr detailed information form with photos or meet usin person if u really wanna do this kind of fast money job.If u have enough confidence for yr brilliant and excellent appearance or wonderful body figure, welcome to apply or challenge this gd and high salary job.U can choose yr working timing schedule during 24 hours by yrself coz everytime we also hv different kind of customers , e-mail to us :  [email]leslie333333@live.jp[/email]

[[i] 本帖最後由 leslie963321 於 2011-12-23 06:24 編輯 [/i]]

2011-12-23 06:24 leslie963321

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